The SAA Inc is a group of professional and amateur seismologists, interested in earthquakes and building and running seismographs.

The SAA and its members currently operate over 20 seismographs in SA with others in other states. The extra stations built and operated by SAA members
mean that earthquakes can be more accurately located, particularly in depth, and finding out more about the direction of movement. Apart from near the Adelaide area, there are not yet enough seismographs to reliably calculate earthquake depth.

The association was incorporated in South Australia in March 2017. It was previously an interest group, but became incorporated following the Geological Survey of South Australia announcing its intention to
discontinue the state seismograph network. The association continues to run much of this network.

The Objects of our Association are:
• to promote and engage in the science of seismology and the recording of earthquakes in Australia
• to be able to advise and assist people with what equipment to get, how to set it up and where to send the data so that it can be useful, and fill in gaps within the existing monitoring systems across Australia.
• to run workshops, design and build instruments and recording hardware, provide demonstrations and training to people and organisations such as schools interested in recording earthquakes.

We meet every few months on Zoom.

Membership form