2023-08-05 2134 Gnowangerup Ml 5.7, Mw 5.0 (GA) David Love (updated 14 Aug) Location The event is in the far south of the SWSZ. RHS figure shows various estimates of the main shock location (USGS, Geoscience Australia, A Wallace, DN Love A, and B with PSN seismographs, also 2 estimates of a small event 27… Continue reading Gnowangerup earthquake
Author: eric
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Thanks to Blair Lade, David Love and Jim Deer for making it happen…
The shallow SE Turkey earthquake of 6 February 2023, magnitude 7.8
compiled by Kevin McCue 26 km E of Nurdağı, Turkey2023-02-06 01:17:35 (UTC) A major shallow earthquake struck southeast Turkey during the night causing destruction of buildings and loss of human life. The epicentre was near the Syrian border but damage extended to Beirut nearly 500 km away and the shaking was felt as far as… Continue reading The shallow SE Turkey earthquake of 6 February 2023, magnitude 7.8
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