by Kevin McCue Introduction The decade of the 1930s showed significant fluctuations in annual numbers of earthquakes identified, located and assigned a magnitude, varying between 0 in 1938 and 17 in 1939 with a mean of 5.5. There were 8 earthquakes in 1939 excluding aftershocks of the damaging Nilpena earthquake near Parachilna on 26 March… Continue reading South Australian Earthquakes 1930-1939
Category: Uncategorized
South Australian Earthquakes 1950-1959
by Kevin McCue Introduction This is the first or last of a series of reports discussing the seismicity of South Australia by decade prior to the establishment of a useful seismograph network there from 1958 to 1963. The 1950s was a most important decade for the science of seismology and the practice of earthquake engineering… Continue reading South Australian Earthquakes 1950-1959
South Australian Earthquakes 1940-1949
by Kevin McCue Introduction In the decade of the 1940s shown in the histogram in Figure 1 the number of detected and located earthquakes per year varied between 3 and 12 with a mean of 4.75/year, almost identical to the previous decade. The largest earthquake was the M6.5 Simpson Desert earthquake on 27 June 1941,… Continue reading South Australian Earthquakes 1940-1949
The 1954 Adelaide Earthquake in review
Kevin McCue Introduction Seventy years ago at 3:40am on Monday morning the 1st March 1954, a strong earthquake shook Adelaide and the region damaging buildings and injuring 4 people. It was shear luck that no one died. It cost insurance companies more than £3M to repair insured buildings. Few businesses, churches and some housing were… Continue reading The 1954 Adelaide Earthquake in review
Gnowangerup earthquake
2023-08-05 2134 Gnowangerup Ml 5.7, Mw 5.0 (GA) David Love (updated 14 Aug) Location The event is in the far south of the SWSZ. RHS figure shows various estimates of the main shock location (USGS, Geoscience Australia, A Wallace, DN Love A, and B with PSN seismographs, also 2 estimates of a small event 27… Continue reading Gnowangerup earthquake
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The shallow SE Turkey earthquake of 6 February 2023, magnitude 7.8
compiled by Kevin McCue 26 km E of Nurdağı, Turkey2023-02-06 01:17:35 (UTC) A major shallow earthquake struck southeast Turkey during the night causing destruction of buildings and loss of human life. The epicentre was near the Syrian border but damage extended to Beirut nearly 500 km away and the shaking was felt as far as… Continue reading The shallow SE Turkey earthquake of 6 February 2023, magnitude 7.8
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